Saturday, September 12, 2009

More Birds in Art 2009

It’s hard to believe the Birds in Art weekend in Wausau is drawing to a close. We’ve crammed so many activities and met so many people in such a short time, it will take more than just a few minutes to sit down and sort it all out. It will make good food for thought on my long drive to Wyoming tomorrow. The Woodson Museum staff always manages to make things appear to run smooth, though similarly to the duck gliding on glassy water, underneath there must be frantic paddling.

Thank you to all my friends (both new and old) for helping expand my artistic knowledge. It seems my thirst for this type of thing has no limit as I look to hone my abilities and try new things.

Perhaps a few long moments on the side of a tall mountain are necessary to put it all in perspective. Life seems very good right now and bursting with possibilities.


Jeff said...

Hi Jim,

Things sound really good and your at peace with yourself and that's kuhl for sure. Chris and I are very happy for you.

I'm glad that Birds in Art went well and onto the big hills (HA) in Wyoming. I can't wait to hear your impression's of Wyoming. I'm sure there will be story's and lots of study work.

We will see you this Saturday at McKeever and get cought up.
The Garlic went in yesterday.

Be well,


Jim Bortz said...

Jeff, Good to hear from you! I'll be looking for you and Chris on Saturday... see you then!