Saturday, July 4, 2009

Back in the Groove

Sometimes I just need to get the oils out and sketch. The last few days have not been easy and I've struggled to accomplish anything worthwhile. But late yesterday, I set up a small (10x8) canvas and started to work from a few photos I shot last winter. I worked quickly and the piece came together very well.

I really like this one.


Jeremy Pearse said...

Very nice Jim! Hope you do more like this.

Jim Bortz said...

Thanks Jeremy. These small oils are a lot of fun. I'm always looking for models.

Jeremy Pearse said...

Me too! Only problem is how to approach people. Sometimes I see someone who I would love to paint but have no idea how to ask them without offending (or just seeming wierd). I have of course done my share of life drawing classes etc and can ask poeple there but what if one has exhausted that avenue? I have thought of perhaps putting an ad in the local paper. Or maybe a note on the local college noticeboard? Any ideas? By the way, congrats on your BIA acceptance - very nice painting, your horned owl too!

Jim Bortz said...

I usually don't have a problem approaching people about modeling. Most folks think I'm a little... different. No sweat :) A note on a college notice board is a great idea. I may use that one. I think when I get into plein air painting a little more, that will be a good way to recruit models too. People are always a little curious.