I suppose most people involved in this goofy world of art have days like this. Every time I set to work on a task, somehow I lose focus and find myself wandering around the studio trying to figure out just exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Actually, most of the week has been this way... no direction... little incentive... and an uncontrollable wandering mind... not even the desire to go outside and goof off. Still, I made myself paint. I made good progress too... with another relatively small painting within a day or two of completion.
One of my goals (and an absolute necessity) for the year is to find a new gallery to carry my work. I knew it would be tough, but jeez... not this tough! I've contacted more than a dozen galleries in the last few weeks, and of the ones that bothered to respond, the "Thanks, but no thanks," rejection notes are really starting to wear on me. Seriously, are they even looking at the samples I'm sending?
I either need to start drinking more... or drinking less, because this isn't working.